Anesthesiologists: Manual of Surgical Procedures, livro de Richard A. Jaffe

Anesthesiologists: Manual of Surgical Procedures

Anesthesiologists Manual of Surgical Procedures, 5e is your top-to-bottom guide to anesthetic technique, containing everything you need to know for effective perioperative management of patients. With so many moving variables before, during, and after surgery, it’s crucial to understand the best practices for successful anesthetic care. This instructive text accounts for each variable immaculately, presenting all anesthetic considerations in a clear, templated format, detailing each treatment option then refining and summarizing all courses of action in easy-to-read tables. If you’re an an... [Leia mais]
Anesthesiologists Manual of Surgical Procedures, 5e is your top-to-bottom guide to anesthetic technique, containing everything you need to know for effective perioperative management of patients. With so many moving variables before, during, and after surgery, it’s crucial to understand the best practices for successful anesthetic care. This instructive text accounts for each variable immaculately, presenting all anesthetic considerations in a clear, templated format, detailing each treatment option then refining and summarizing all courses of action in easy-to-read tables. If you’re an anesthesiologist, anesthesia resident, or CRNA, this new Fifth Edition will guide you through all operative scenarios and ensure the highest standards of anesthetic practice.

Dados Técnicos
Páginas: 1720
Peso: 3450g
ISBN: 9781451176605